Dear Friends, the fantastic news is that the total raised by your bidding for the Friends of Beaulieu House charity is…
£8,617.55 ( $13,7665.05, €9,659.64)
and your very generous donations directly have taken the amount to over £11,000.
…So I thank you most sincerely on behalf of all the kids, families, and staff at Beaulieu House. YOU ARE AMAZING!!!!!!
love to all, Mark xxx
Over £11,, thats amazing, a huge well done Mark, thats fantastic. I think I speak for all fellow fans when I say, were so proud of how much you have raised!
Congratulations to all the winning bidders, safe to say I am very, very jealous!!
And finally congrats to Beaulieu House, what a wonderful donation to receive, and deservedly so 🙂
Lots of love to all.
Bristol, UK
x x x x
Mark, not only do you inspire me as an artist but also as a person. Congratualtions on raising so much money for such a wonderful cause. God bless. Gary
I just wanted to let you you what a great job you did in raising awareness and doing your part to help. Not to mention congrats to all the winners and how very happy I am for them as well!
Great job Mark!
Shelton, CT
That is amazing !!, well done to everyone concerned !.
WOW! What can I say Mark. I’ve been watching all the items with great interest. It’s absolutely fantastic news on how much was raised. Well done to everyone who took part and especially to you for being a TOP MAN!
All the best
Lesley xxxx
Mark, this is just FANTASTIC and all I can say is congratulations to all the bidders and of course Beaulieu House. Thanks to you so many lives will now be just that little bit better…well done!!!
Love Julie xx 🙂
Absolutely fantastic…I tried persuading the wife to sell the car so I could bid on the bass but it didn’t go down very well. Apparently the kids didn’t fancy walking to school?
Absolutely fantastic, Mark. Well done!!
What a fantastic sum of money for Beaulieu House.They must be so happy!! Well done Mark and well done and congratulations to the bidders and everyone, who like me ,could’nt afford to bid but made a donation.I work with special needs kids and i know this money will make life better for the kids and their families.Love to all from Kay.xx
LOVE YA MARK!!! So Great You Are!!!! Bless You For Caring So Much For Others!!!
omg Mark that is WONDERFUL !!! its because you are so giving and caring to those kids to make this known to all of us … !! LEVELHEADS UNITE .. i think we all are a pretty awesome bunch of people .!! as i said before what you are doing for these kids has really touched my heart xx!!!
Love you man !! Corrine x
ps … love the pic too x
Well done everyone, I just got out bid for the 30th Anniversay frame right at the last minute but that saved me having to explain to the hubby about it lol.
Well done to who ever won it.
And a massive well done to Mark on donating those wonderful items for the kids
“Nice one Centurian”!
Happy with you all, then proud to be part of bidding process .. do it again Mark 😀
and Indonesian Levelheads want to meet you if you don’t mind, well, see you at Jakarta, Indonesia next on July, 24th.
Indonesian Levelheads supporting to you and the band
once a legend always a legend !! is there end to your greatness . brilliant work shame couldn’t afford that guitar but hay -ho.. keep up the gd work ! x
WELL DONE to the winners who have some fantastic things for their very generous contributions to a worthy cause.
I also hope it makes more of us think about places just like Beaulieu House…places we live near in our OWN areas which still need help from donations.
Thank YOU Mark, for bringing the need for such things to our attention and also for being part of – and giving back to – the island which has made you what you are today.
Good luck to all at Beaulieu House!
Had a thought last night. Why don’t some famous artists from the eighties team up and record an a Level 42 tribute album, with all proceeds going to Beaulieu House. After all we’ve had Band Aid 1, 2, and 3. What do you Mark? Or anyone else for that matter.
Wonderful Job for a wonderful cause. I am an elementary school teacher so I empathize the need to help children and their families. Blessings to you all!
Fantastic initiative Mark. You are not only a legend but a very great gentlemen also. I’m proud for Level 42 and for what you have done for Bealieu House in this case.
God bless you!!
Andrea Orvieto, Italy.
Mark ..out of all my bass heroes..You are the only one I have never seen live…The king bass you played on the reading tour caught my attention ! !..I sing and slap my bass too…When I saw the Reading tour I loved the sound and way u attacked it..Glad to see someone is the happy owner of that bass !..wish it was me..check out our videos if u get a chance(yeah right) and keep inspiring us!..PS…I noticed u stopped playing your King basses..What’s the reason?..Hope to see u guys in the States soon!